The Town Hall of Alcalalí provides Social Services through the Marina Alta Social Services Community (MASSMA), headquartered in the municipality of Orba. This Community is made up of 20 municipalities and is presided over by Mr. Joan Ignasi Cervera Arbona.


  • Information, guidance, and advice on social resources and benefits.
  • Monitoring the recognition of disability degree.
  • Parking permit for people with reduced mobility.
  • Reduced mobility assessment.
  • Card for people with disabilities.
  • Non-contributory retirement and disability pensions.
  • Home telecare service.
  • Home help service.
  • Assessment and proposal of protection files for minors, elderly, mentally ill, neglect, residential intervention, etc.
  • Thermalism program.
  • Health care cards for foreigners and citizens without resources.
  • Residential admissions for the elderly.
  • Admissions in centers: women, minors, disabled, mentally ill.
  • Gender violence cases, advice, and referral.
  • Mobile assistance protocol for victims of gender violence.
  • Family foster care and adoptions.
  • Cases for the juvenile prosecutor’s office, reports, and monitoring of judicial measures in open environments.
  • Penitentiary cases, community service measures, conditional releases.
  • Reports for the Government Subdelegation for Foreigners: housing assessment, family reunification, authorization for social integration.
  • Technical assessment reports for aid and subsidies from other Councils, the Provincial Council,
  • Institutional Departments.
  • Social assessment reports at the request of public organizations.
  • Guaranteed citizen income.
  • Individualized economic emergency benefits.
  • Titles for large and single-parent families.
  • Senior vacation program.
  • Social phone subscription.
  • Senior card.
  • Cultural card for seniors.
  • Attention to people in situations of dependency.

Legal Advisory Service:

The MASSMA Legal Advisory Service is provided on Thursdays from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm, at the social services office of the Beniargeig Town Hall.

Lawyer: Isabel Sánchez

Contact phone: 96.576.60.18


Social Services:

Contact person: Hermina Muñoz Martínez


Office hours: Monday from 10 am to 1:30 pm. An appointment is required, calling 638.237.406



  • Home help service.
  • Dependency care service.
  • Specialized services for family and child care.
  • Cognitive stimulation program for dependent people.
  • Community Prevention Unit for Addictive Behaviors.
  • Initial professional qualification program in gardening.
  • Social emergency aid program.
  • Support for women in situations of inequality.
  • Legal assistance service for women.
  • School absenteeism prevention.
  • Penitentiary social work.
  • Immigrant assistance.
  • Family foster care program.
  • Home telecare program.