Integrated water management

The provision of the drinking water service in the municipality is carried out under a concession by the company Global Omnium.

At the offices of the concessionaire company, you can subscribe to supply policies, modify or terminate the water contract, learn about the municipality’s Drinking Water Regulations, make complaints and claims about the supply, pay bills, obtain information on the requirements for new conduits included in urbanization works, etc.


Multi-purpose Building Calle Cipreses, nº 1-A 03728 Alcalalí

Tel.: 96.648.24.94

Customer service phone: 96.386.06.00

Breakdown service phone: 96.386.06.38

Office hours: Tuesdays from 8:00 am to 1:30 pm

Waste management

The Vall de Pop Community is responsible for waste management.

The collection service is carried out by the company Actúa. The waste collection schedule is as follows:

  • Urban solid waste: daily, except Sunday.
  • Selective collection: containers, paper, and cardboard are collected twice a week.
  • Furniture and belongings collection: biweekly.


The Town Hall provides residents with the ecopark. This is a municipal facility that allows for the selective collection of waste for which there is no home collection service. It is a free service exclusively for residents and those registered in the municipality. At the Ecopark, you can deposit: glass, cardboard, plastic, metals; batteries; oils; wood; rubble, and textiles.

Permitted quantities to deposit:

  • Vegetation: 1 m3
  • Rubble: 1/2 m3 (6 buckets)

It is not allowed to deposit:

  • Items containing Asbestos (Uralita)
  • Automotive oils

The ecopark offers the following advantages:

  • Reduces environmental impact by decreasing the volume and hazardous nature of waste that would otherwise be deposited in a landfill.
  • Prevents uncontrolled dumping of waste in the municipality’s surroundings.
  • Contributes to sustainable development by avoiding the waste of resources found in household waste.
  • Allows active citizen participation in the management of municipal resources.

Alcalalí has launched, with the support of the Alicante Provincial Council, an experimental composting center where 30 families (120 residents) will deposit fresh organic waste. The new composting point is located in the Ecopark.

This facility allows for the management of organic waste to produce natural fertilizer for use in gardens and orchards. This space is available to residents for managing organic waste generated in their homes by separating organic matter and recycling it into compost.

The opening hours of the Ecopark are as follows:

  • Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm

For recycling used batteries, they can be deposited at the Town Hall and also at the medical center, during the hours of 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.

The municipality’s pharmacy has a SIGRE point for recycling medications.

For recycling usable clothing and oil, you can go to the containers located at the beginning of Calle Porche, in front of the Almazara.



The Covenant of Mayors is an ambitious initiative by the European Commission that brings together mayors of Europe’s most innovative cities in a permanent network for exchanging best practices and implementing them to improve energy efficiency in urban environments.

The Covenant of Mayors is the response of the most proactive cities to global warming: a formal commitment to reducing CO2 emissions, even beyond the European Union’s target of 20%.

The adherence to the Covenant of Mayors by the Alcalalí Town Hall entails certain obligations and required actions. Among other obligations and commitments, the development of a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) and the creation of a baseline emission inventory for SEAP are highlighted.

The Baseline Emission Inventory (BEI) quantifies the amount of CO2 emitted by energy consumption in the local authority’s territory in the reference year, which is considered to be 2007, and serves as the starting point for the Sustainable Energy Action Plan.

In 2016, the Alicante Provincial Council granted a subsidy to the Alcalalí Town Hall for drafting a Follow-up Emission Inventory, allowing compliance with the Covenant of Mayors procedure.